====== eCryptfs ====== ===== Installation ===== ==== Debian / Ubuntu ==== # apt-cache search ecryptfs ecryptfs-utils - système de fichiers chiffré ecryptfs (utilitaires) (...) root@alt-simon:/home/simon/Programmes# apt-get install ecryptfs-utils ===== Configuration ===== $ ecryptfs-setup-private Enter your login passphrase [simon]: Enter your mount passphrase [leave blank to generate one]: Enter your mount passphrase (again): ************************************************************************ YOU SHOULD RECORD YOUR MOUNT PASSPHRASE AND STORE IT IN A SAFE LOCATION. ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase ~/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase THIS WILL BE REQUIRED IF YOU NEED TO RECOVER YOUR DATA AT A LATER TIME. ************************************************************************ Done configuring. Testing mount/write/umount/read... Inserted auth tok with sig [1326621518a2dca9] into the user session keyring Inserted auth tok with sig [d7ddc8a6cea33ea6] into the user session keyring Inserted auth tok with sig [1326621518a2dca9] into the user session keyring Inserted auth tok with sig [d7ddc8a6cea33ea6] into the user session keyring Testing succeeded. Logout, and log back in to begin using your encrypted directory. ===== Alternative(s) ===== * [[cryfs]] * [[cryptomator]] * [[encfs]] * [[gocryptfs]] * [[rclone]] ===== Sources ===== * [[http://ecryptfs.org/| ecryptfs.org (site officiel)]]